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You did what with your placenta?

Eat More Placenta

Placentophagy is the ingestion of a human placenta postpartum either in raw or altered form (e.g.,encapsulated, tincture, prepared as a food) Numerous historical occurrences of placentophagy have been recorded throughout the world. Since the 1970's, however, consumption of the placenta believing that it has health benefits has been a growing practice among postpartum women.

I've not had one postpartum mother that has chosen to consume her placenta and regret it. The results have been as varied as the individual but all report a noticeable amount of energy as soon as the first or second "dose" of their capsules is taken. Less postpartum bleeding and cramping. Increased milk supply. A feeling of joyfulness. Mother's who have struggled with iron deficiency are quickly replenished by their own iron stores. Weight loss has also been reported along with a feeling of balanced hormones.

Mother's who previously suffered from postpartum depression or baby blues said that with adding the placenta they experienced much less depression/blues or none at all. Can you imagine how wonderful that makes me feel when I hear these reports. Placentas are such a blessing to a postpartum mom.

In a book called Placenta, The Forgotten Chakra by Robin Lim; she explains that the placenta is truly our only expendable organ. An organ that is supposed to be expendable to assist mother in the postpartum journey and facilitate her postpartum healing and wellbeing. As mammals we are the only ones that do not immediately consume our placenta after birth. We especially don't do that in America because it has been seen as taboo or unreasonable. When in all actuality it's the most reasonable thing we could do for ourselves as women who have just birthed a child.

If you think about it; it only makes sense that we would want to better our postpartum experience. We should want to help ourselves heal; mind and body. If you choose to have your placenta encapsulated it's basically no different than taking a supplement/vitamin. It's encapsulated and has little to no smell or taste. It's also not upsetting to your stomach and digestive tract as some medications may be. Your placenta also can act as a natural analgesic and help eliminate some of the postpartum pains you may experience after birth.

Not only are we happy to encapsulate your placenta for you; we can offer a tincture which has no expiration date! (win win) We can hand craft a placenta salve for you too. This can be used in place of neosporin, diaper rash cream,and used as a healing perineal salve for mom. With your encapsulation services you will get a complimentary placenta print and cord keepsake. The prints are such a beautiful piece of artwork. Did you know that the placenta is like a fingerprint? There will never be another just like it. It's like your baby's unique print that will never be replicated.

So what did you learn? I hope you learned that placenta consumption postpartum is AMAZING. Not only for you, but for the way you will be able to care for your new little one. Having more energy, level hormones, and a sufficient milk supply are just a few of the BIG benefits you will experience from having your placenta processed for your consumption. We also have a new option of offering berry flavored capsules so that you have no fear of tasting your placenta!

If you have more questions concerning placentophagy please feel free to contact Holly through her email at

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