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A Blessingway...your journey into motherhood!

At one time it was common for women to gather together to empower and support one another as women who kept the home, raised the food, milked the cows, prepared the meals, and raised the children. These woman lived as one not one against another as so many do these days. These women shared food, assisted one another with child care and helped each other when someone became ill. I feel like they really knew what friendship was about. They knew their "tribe" and found a safe haven within.

A blessingway is a beautiful journey into motherhood with your closest friends and family. There are so many ways to become a mother, pregnancy is just one of them. Adoption, foster parenting, marriage or a union with someone who already has a child are some of the others .A blessingway is a beautiful ceremony to hold for any woman who is about to become a mother to another living being.

Somehow we got away from what was important. What was simple. We decided that when a baby was coming we should gather together call it a shower and give the mother/family gifts that they may or may not use or even want. We fill their homes with things instead of encouraging words and love. Now don't get me wrong, lots of families are very appreciative of those items but when we go overboard and a mother has 5 showers she ends up with so many items that are duplicated or that she doesn't need.

A blessingway has a completely different purpose. It is to empower the mother to be. It is to establish a safe and special space for the mother. A space where she knows she is safe to share her fears, her concerns, and her joys. It's an opportunity to create not only personal mindfulness of what it means to become a mother but to create a realm of circle consciousness with the other women attending. It's a chance to center your attention on the mother to be, to honor her, to pamper her and prepare her for her journey into motherhood. It also increases the bond of the support system the mother has when times may be tough. Last but not least it is a time to feast together; moving from a sacred space to a social space.

Our American culture as a whole lacks connection to deep traditions. We are such different people with such different practices and religions that we share few common rituals for honoring meaningful events. We live in such a fear based culture that instead of preparing and sharing beautiful birth stories we hear in large only the stories that instill fear in us instead of empowering us.

Often at a blessingway a special note is written to the mother from each attending woman. A charm may be brought from each person to make a bracelet for the mother to wear during labor to remind her of the community she has created for herself. Who ever is leading the blessingway may read a poem or scriptures. Having each person write a birth affirmation or draw a picture for the mother to hang during labor can also be special. Pampering the mother with a henna tattoo on her pregnant belly or hand is a fun option and makes for great photos. Blessingways have also been a time for the mother to have a massage, foot bath or her hair braided or brushed.

Leah Floyd of Elephant Circle Doula Care offers Blessingway packages along with floral design. She has created some of the most beautiful areas for women to hold space for a special friend who is expecting. Adorning each mother with a fresh crown of flowers. Making the mother to be a floral arrangement and catering a scrumptious meal. She is such a sweet sweet soul and strives to make all feel welcome and blessed to be a part of such a special occasion.

To contact Leah you can call 850-982-8014

A beautiful Blessing that is often read:

Bless (name of mother to be) for she is your child.

Bless (name of mother to be)'s sight

that she may clearly see your path as well as her own.

Bless (name of mother to be)'s throat that

she may speak her truth.

Bless (name of mother to be)'s heart that

she may open to the wisdom of all women.

Bless (name of mother to be)'s solar plexus that

she may live in the world in a way that is true to her highest self.

Bless (name of mother to be)'s belly for the

children or other creative gifts she has given.

Bless (name of mother to be)'s vagina, the gateway of birth.

Bless (name of mother to be)'s feet that

she may walk your divine path.

Bless (name of mother to be)'s hands that

do your work as well as her own.

Bless (name of mother to be), for she is your child: a part

of you , and a part of us all.

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