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Pregnancy MUST Haves!

Whether its your first, or 5th pregnancy... there are things you're going to NEED during these nine months of life to make pregnancy happy, and Birthing Tree has got you covered!

We've compiled a list of our pregnancy MUST haves! Tried and true items that we've used ourselves and wouldn't go another pregnancy without. We get loads of questions from clients on what are our favorites; and NOW, we're letting all of our readers in on the secrets!

Check it out....


This prenatal is made from food, so your body will recognize it as such....There are no binders or fillers, only whole food sources that you need to keep you and your little one healthy.

You can find this item online at or locally at the Alternative Health Food store.


Believe it or not, pregnancy won't last forever (except that last month that really does...last...forever) Years from now, you're going to want to remember the little details about this sacred time. Jot down a little note to baby, your silliest cravings and the first time you feel little one move around in there.


Sleep is so important for mom and baby but we know how difficult it can be to achieve, especially during the last trimester. A body pillow can be beneficial for allowing you to rest in a comfortable position as it cradles your growing body. Our fave is the Leacho Snoogle total body pillow, sold on

GOOD PREGNANCY JEANS I never knew how important this was and thought I could get away wearing regular clothes the majority of my pregnancy. If you're going to spend money on one maternity item, I would recommend a good pair of jeans. We really like the full panel belly elastic to allow you and baby room to grow. These are also super comfy in those first few postpartum months.


For centuries, ginger has been used to help alleviate nausea and upset stomach. Several studies have even shown that it can be more effective than Dramamine. This is an especially helpful and natural solution for a pregnant woman. Ginger candy can be easily found at your local grocery store, but Ever'man and Alternative Health Food store always have a great selection in stock.


You might not always feel your most glamorous while sharing your body with another tiny person, but we feel it's imperative to embrace it! You're a rock star, you're creating a new person!!! These stickers make it an easy way to remember pregnancy milestones and snag a picture for memories.

...and LAST but definitely NOT LEAST>>>>


Okay, so you know you couldn't get away from this one....

Ashton, Holly and Leah feel that it is imperative that EVERY woman feel supported during pregnancy, labor and birth, and on through the postpartum period.

It's our mission to support those we come into contact with wholeheartedly, professionally and without judgment.

We're your advocate, your resource, we BELIEVE IN YOU!

A loving family member can be a great support person, but a doula brings a different approach. We have been trained extensively in birth. We spend countless hours reading and researching to stay up to date on current practices, We leave the comfort of our beds and our families in the middle of the night, for hours and sometimes days, to be beside you in one of the most sacred times of your life. We answer calls in the middle of the night, we celebrate pregnancy milestones with you.

We are there when you need us at the hospital. We bring you physical relief through massage and position changes. We support you emotionally, encouraging you when you might feel you have nothing left to give.

We work to build bridges with your providers and work happily alongside them, never against them.

We never come with our own agenda, we know that when you have the ability to make informed choices you can be empowered by your birth experiences, no matter how you give birth.

A doula is for a first time mom, a doula is for a mom giving birth for the fifth time! A doula is for a woman who is having an elective cesarean, a doula is for a woman having an unmedicated homebirth with her midwife. A doula is for all women....and these doulas are thankful and proud to be on the list of so many's "pregnancy must haves"

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