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Natural C-Section, a real option!

What starts in England is bound to end up on American soil, right?

We're happy to report that natural c-sections that were once thought of as taboo are making their way to more and more hospitals in the US. Obstetricians are seeing that women who once were insecure about how they birthed their baby through c-section were feeling as if they did indeed have a part in birthing the baby; even it meant by surgical means.

C-Section is a word that some mothers cringe at, some mothers ask for the dotted line, and some are apprehensive because of the unknown. Women are presented with the idea of a cesarean for many reasons. There have been many occasions where a woman who was having a very stress free "normal" pregnancy had sudden changes and needed a c-section to ensure a safe delivery for both her and babe. Often women who have had a c-section for their first child may elect to have another for subsequent children either by choice or from lack of knowledge that there are other options. Some women who also choose a c-section over a vaginal birth for personal preference.

A doula can be such a bounty of information to guide you through the process of preparing for a c-section. Answering questions throughout the antenatal period and being a huge asset to the postpartum phase of the c-section. Having major abdominal surgery is no joke! The recovery is going to take time and you need to be patient with yourself and have a support team ready to help. Taking care of a newborn can be taxing enough mentally and physically but when you add in an abdominal incision and pain for mom it gives a whole new light to situation. A doula not only can provide great postpartum support for the mother but the family as a whole. Doulas who offer postpartum services can assist in meal prep, child care, run the errands for the family and much more.

With C-Sections being the number 1 surgery in the US and 1 in 3 babes being born this way we want mothers to know that if a c-section is in their future they have options. Families can ask their provider if they have natural c-sections at the facility they will birth at. Often these names vary from location to location. We've heard them referenced as natural, family centered, baby centered, or friendly. This basically means the sterile field for surgery is visible. This means that mom and partner get to see their baby emerge! Mom does not have to have her arms strapped down, and the IV is given in the non dominant arm/hand. Baby is generally placed directly on mother's chest to allow bonding time and for mother to be able to hold and nurse when babe is ready.

We have nurtured many mothers through the c-section process. Family friendly and some through general anesthesia. Having a support team after is what we have seen provides the greatest outcomes. Allowing for a family centered c-section often increases the breastfeeding success rate as well as the emotional bond between mother and child.

If you are facing the option of a c-section know that talking with your provider about the type of c-section can make the experience a much better one!

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