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Mama's beauty

Just the other day my (almost) four year old little guy came up to me and said "mama, you so bootiful". Of course any day, that statement from an adorable little blonde boy would melt my heart. This day, however, I hadn't showered, was still in my pajamas and running around cleaning up mess after mess. I, myself, felt a sweaty, hot mess and far from "bootiful".

Sometimes after the birth of our children, our bodies don't look or feel the same. Nursing changes our breasts, a once expanded body, quickly deflated, leaves us with stretchmarks. Our hips may be wider, and our skin more elastic....we may opt for a one piece over a bikini or lose some of the confidence we once had.

Another thing happens after you birth a baby, you

gain a type of beauty that only mothers behold. You're the host of the most love this little being will ever know. You provide his nourishment by breast or bottle. Your body carried and brought forth a baby, no matter how you birthed.. You provide warmth and comfort and you calm the storms in her eyes. You. Are. Mama.


One of my favorite parts of being a Doula is the moment a new baby is brought to his mama. The expressions on the faces of mothers the first time they see their baby, range from smiles to tears. Each face, however, is immersed in joy and is simplistically beautiful. I would venture to say that no matter how exhausted one is from labor, in that moment when you're crying, wrinkly vernix covered baby is layed on your chest you are the most beautiful you have ever been.

The beauty of motherhood doesn't end there, it only begins. Rather your sweeping up cheerios, scrambling to Target for diapers, or up for a 3am nursing session you still behold that beauty. You are someone's of the greatest blessings in the world.

So mama, wear that bikini! Flaunt those new curves, be confident in your beautiful mama skin and enjoy this ride. Don't hide behind the camera, get in the picture with your kids. Remember that scars and stretch marks mean that you brought forth life, and they, like you....are beautiful!

*Thank you to the sweet mamas and clients who offered to let me use their photographs for this blog.

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