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Mommy Brain

Women, no, no women during pregnancy ALWAYS tell us they are having issues remembering things, they feel scattered, something in my brain just isn't right they will tell us. We categorize that and call it mommy brain but did you know there is a reason for this?

There are many studies currently being conducted on why women feel this way. In those studies we can learn that our brains actually shrink during pregnancy! Why oh why would we be created this way? They have also told us that this thing we call mommy brain can last for up to two years after we deliver! Let me give you a brief reason of why we are created this way and then I will give you a better story of how to get through this in a way that will make you feel not so defeated.

Our brains shrink for two reasons the professional community believes. One reason is because we lose essential fatty acids from our brain. Throughout life we develop stores of essential fatty acids and when we become pregnant guess where those stores go? You're completely right! That little womb mate of yours is stealing your essential fatty acids! Yes they need them to grow and of course we wouldn't have it any other way as mothers. We are willing to give anything our growing babies need. As the essential fatty acids move to babe our brains begin to shrink.

Secondly in this process our brains "shift gears" a bit. The centers that were once very concentrated for us which could be critical thinking or memory have shifted to caring for our newborn and also allow us to cope with less sleep. This is where our nurturing side is born even if you didn't feel like a nurturer before. We are such complex individuals but our bodies are so incredibly smart. They know that we need the skills sharpened in our brain and our bodies go into action and do just that for us. We may not be able to remember our car keys but we will make sure our little bear cub is not in danger and is fed.

Ready for the good news? You don't have to suffer through this! You don't have to have all the symptoms of mommy brain that so many experience. You know how your doctor prescribed a prenatal vitamin for you? Make sure you're taking it. If you aren't fond of prescription drugs you can opt out and take a whole food prenatal. Yes a vitamin made from whole foods. This means in most cases you will not feel nauseous after taking it. It's made from actual food and all of our bodies know how to process food and turn it into the nutrients we need. The second and MOST IMPORTANT part of this equation is the essential fatty acids. Doctors like to say DHA...yes those are the stores the baby is pulling from you however there are other components that you need other than the DHA and the DHA is the only thing that will be in your prescription prenatal.

Essential fatty acids is a pretty word for fish oil. Yes, fish oil. No you don't have to taste it, no you do not have to burp it up, and no you do not have to feel nauseous from it. Not all fish oils are created equal lets start by learning that. Some fish oil by the time you purchase it has become rancid...this is where the term fish burps come from. There are quality companies that make exceptional fish oils that do not wreck havoc in our guts. One of my favorite is Nordic Naturals. Nordic Naturals has some of the best fish oil I have ever taken in doses that are perfect for you and your growing baby.

When we have "mommy brain" a good dose of 3000mg of fish oil a day is perfect for us. Even after baby it's perfect for you! Not only for brain health, but for joints, eyes, and skin. The list goes on but those are the biggest ones that come to mind when I think of fish oil. Fish oil is broken down into your Omega 3 fatty acids, DHA, and EPA. The EPA part is also a key essential for mental health. That will help keep our brains on an even plane and can assist in preventing baby blues and postpartum depression from creeping in.

So the recap of my thoughts are this: If you don't want to suffer from mommy brain like you have seen friends suffer; do yourself a HUGE favor and take a quality Omega 3 throughout life and spesifically through the span of pregnancy. A good dose of 3000mg a day will benefit you and baby!

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