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What is a labor doula?


Why do I need one?

So many ask the question what is a doula or why would I need one if I have a partner to support me.


A doula is going to be your unbiased sister. Your biggest cheerleader! Your emotional and physical support. Your doula will also be someone who can provide you with resources when you need them to make an informed descision. We are basically here to be your rock and your google all in one super handy human form!


A doula is a Greek word for women's helper. At Birthing Tree, LLC we like to take that a step further and call ourselves family helpers.


Our main role of course will be to support the mother to be, however working with the mother's partner is our other biggest goal. 


In our eyes, we would not be doing our job if we were not including the mother's partner in all aspects of the birthing process; to the extent they would like to be involved of course.


A doula can also attend prenatal appointments with you if your partner is unable to or if you would just like an additional set of ears to hear important information.


We are there as an extra set of hands for when your partner is tired or would just like to be there to provide you with the emotional care you need from them. 


As your doula we are there to support your choice! Some people believe that a doula is not needed if an epidural will be used or if a C-Section is planned; however we have many clients that will tell you otherwise. We support your choices! We support all people through all choices. Doulas are not just for natural non-medicated births!


There are also some things that a doula is not. We would love to think we can do it all but honestly we don't want to! We want to work with your care provider for the best experience for YOU!


We will not make choices for you! We can however give you great evicence based information to allow your family to choose the best choice for all of you.


We will not speak to medical personel on your behalf. We will remind you of your choices you have discussed with us prior to delivery and allow you or your partner to voice that to the medical staff.


We will not preform any medical procedures. No blood pressure checks, no cervical checks, no IV's. (This is why we are the good guys!) We will hold your hand while you get your IV or have a cervical check when needed though!


We certainly will not just suddenly disappear after your postpartum visit. Our relationships that we have with our clients are lasting friendships that we cherish. We would not want just a stranger in our delivery room we would want a friend that respects us. We want to do exactly that for you!





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