You did what with your placenta?
Placentophagy is the ingestion of a human placenta postpartum either in raw or altered form (e.g.,encapsulated, tincture, prepared as a...
Dear Postpartum Mom
Dear mom who feels tired, sleep will come. Babies do sleep through the night... eventually. But even when that time seems to never come,...
Mommy Brain
Women, no, no women during pregnancy ALWAYS tell us they are having issues remembering things, they feel scattered, something...
When birth stories don't go as planned
Birth stories are such an integral part of modern day birth culture. We love to read birth stories as we dream about our own labors. We...
What Stress?
Stress is in each of our daily lives. We can minimize it, we can ignore it, but we cannot seem to hide from it. During pregnancy stress...
Natural C-Section, a real option!
What starts in England is bound to end up on American soil, right? We're happy to report that natural c-sections that were once thought...
Where can we meet?
Clients often ask why we don't have an office. The answer is simple! We want to cater to your needs. Are you most comfortable at home?...
Reading Rainbow
DID YOU KNOW!??!??... that as one of our valued clients you have the ability to "check out" books from our lending library? We want our...