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Cookies and Milk

With all the choices out there for lactation cookies on the web we needed to have a taste test to see who won out in our opinion. Just because we are no longer nursing our children doesn't mean we don't like a good healthy cookie on occasion.

We mixed, and stirred, and baked until our hearts were content and our stomachs cried no more!

We found that some ingredients you could get at any local grocery store and some we needed to find at a health food store (local to our area Alternative Health Food Store is sure to have Brewer's Yeast). The initial cost to purchase all of the supplies was a bit more than your regular chocolate chip cookies but what we found is that you could make multiple batches of cookies so cost per dozen ended up being very minimal.

Are you ready for the good part?

The cookies that won our taste test were......

Major Milk Makin' Lactation Cookies


1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour 1 3/4 c. oats 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 3/4 c. almond butter or peanut butter 1/2 c. butter, softened 1 c. milled flax 3 T brewer's yeast 1/3 c. water 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 c. sugar 1/2 c. brown sugar 1 tsp vanilla 2 large eggs 2 c. (12oz) chocolate chips 1 c. chopped nuts of your choice

(We made with and without chocolate chips as well as nuts and they were fabulous either way)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt in a bowl. In a large bowl, beat almond butter, butter, sugar, brown sugar, vanilla, brewer's yeast, flax and water until creamy.

Doesn't look so good while you're mixing it

but the end result is pure bliss in Your tummy!

Mix in eggs. Gradually beat in flour mixture.

Mix in nuts and chocolate chips.

Add oats slowly, mixing along the way.

Hello you big ball of goodness!

Place balls of dough onto greased baking sheets or baking stones. Press down each ball lightly with a fork. Bake 12 minutes. Allow to cool.

Enjoy a cookie or 5 while you nurse your babe or just for a hearty snack!


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