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Herbal Safety While Your Pregnant

A question of many expectant moms is "what herbs are safe to consume while pregnant" and while the list is long on what is safe the list of what is contraindicated is shorter so lets visit that for a minute.

Herbs that have abortifacient properties are ones you certainly want to steer clear of because they can trigger uterine stimulation and cause the uterus to contract in return causing a miscarriage or abortion. These include: Black Cohosh, Cotton-Root Bark, Thuja, Wormwood, Rue, and Penny Royal. (40+ weeks midwives will often recommend Black/Blue Cohosh but only use under the supervision/advice of a practitioner)

You also want to avoid plants that have strong alkaloid properties which can cause concern with your growing babe. Theses would include: Comfrey, Coltsfoot, Borage, , Goldenseal, Barberry, Oregon Grape, Butterbur, and Life Root.

Plants/Herbs that have a strong bowel stimulation you want to avoid as well. Those would include California Buckthorn(Cascara Sagrada), Aloe Latex, and Rhubarb. These can dehydrate the body leaving you with uterine contractions which may result in preterm labor.

Phytoestrogens are the other category that you would want to avoid due to their strong hormonal effect specifically in the male fetus. Phytoestrogens can have an impact on mother and the developing fetus.

NOW FOR THE GOOD GUY HERBS (these are only a few)

Red Raspberry Leaf: This is a great herb for tonifying the uterus and reproductive system. This is one herb that when used as a tea it taste great too (hot or cold). Red Raspberry has been shown to allow the uterus to be more productive during labor. I like to tell our clients that drinking Red Raspberry leaf tea is like taking your uterus to the gym!

Ginger: This herb is best-stu

died and known fr it's anti-nausea and anti-vomiting properties. In a double-blind study 70 women were given 250 mg of ginger four times daily and an 80% reduction in vomiting and a significant improvement in nausea was seen. Ginger can be used as a tea, soda, capsule, cookie, or candied ginger.

Holy Basil: This herb is also known as Tulsi. It is considered and adrenal adaptogenic herb and safe during pregnancy so women who really need some adrenal support during pregnancy this is a good way to go. Holy Basil is very uplifting, calming and relaxing. Holy Basil is best used for women who feel stressed and get anxious and amped up. Someone who needs to calm down and feel more grounded

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