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Dear Postpartum Mom

Dear mom who feels tired, sleep will come. Babies do sleep through the night... eventually. But even when that time seems to never come, your body adjusts. This super-human feat you've just accomplished- birthing your baby- is not the end to the amazing things your body can and will do. Over the first few months and even past that first year, your incredible body will begin to function and thrive on a new level. The energy threshold needed for your body and mind begins to adjust to whatever energy is available. You will adjust your energy demands to the energy supply that is available. As your energy increases and decreases, eventually so will your requirements for it. It does get better. It does get easier. Give yourself time and give yourself grace.

Dear mom who feels sad, happiness will come. You've likely heard the term "baby blues." Here's what it means: sometimes the most beautiful gift in the world can overwhelm you, and the incredible amount of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion can, and likely will, make you feel sad. It's normal. It sucks. It's okay. It will end. Give yourself the gift of feeling. Allow yourself to cry without feeling guilty. Allow your support system to hold you. Most mothers understand- we've been there too.

Dear mom who feels overwhelmed, stability will come. In the mean time, allow yourself to walk away when you need to. Even as gentle parents, sometimes we reach a moment when we have to walk away and let our babies cry for a minute in order to clear our head spaces. It's okay. This is not the same as "crying it out." This is you not letting yourself reach a level of frustration that would negatively affect you and your baby. That- preparing yourself to be able to care for your baby in the best manner possible- is what makes you a good mom. And you are a good mom.

Dear mom who is scared, calm will come. It's a lot. Being responsible for the most amazing human being(s) in the world is a lot of pressure. They're tiny. They're beautiful. They're so, so innocent and pure. They are also resilient. They are strong. Most importantly, they are loved. You're going to mess up and they are going to get hurt, and both of those things will all but kill you, but that is how you know that you're doing it right. When you love and care that much, you have already given them the best protection. As your baby gets bigger and stronger those fears over his or her physical safety will level out. You'll always be worried and protective, but you will learn how resilient they truly are. With each new physical wound, em

otional trauma, and breakdown will come a greater appreciation for your little one's strength. We will always strive to protect our children, but the true security comes in seeing them grow to protect themselves. So pray for them, offer the protection that comes with your wisdom of years, and watch them grow.

Dear mom who is blissful, enjoy it.

Stare at them.

Smell them.

Feel them.

Listen to their many sounds.

They are only small once and you already know that it goes too fast. Each day is a new adventure and no day is like the one before. Don't take a moment for granted.

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