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Birthing Affirmations

Rather you want a non-medicated birth or want that epidural the moment you walk through the door of the hospital, labor is hard work! Labor can go quickly or it can extend over a few days. There may be moments of euphoria and anticipation, but inevitably there will be moments of pain. Many of our clients have found that hanging birthing affirmations where they labor can be beneficial, by helping keep their eye on the prize.

Birthing affirmations don't have to be printed from your laptop with beautiful drawings, they can simply be handwritten/drawn on pieces of paper. The most important thing is that they are there to remind you that...

you are gonna rock your birth!

"The power and intensity of your contractions cannot be stronger than you, because it is you." -unknown

(How awesome to remind yourself that this pain you are experiencing, is really working for you and not against you...and at the finish line there is the greatest gift you can imagine.)

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