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New Year...New You?

We are ten days into 2017. I, for one, have already slipped up on my resolutions. In my defense, 2016 "me" wasn't thinking when she resolved to eat less chocolate in the new year. Craziness!

Doulas run on chocolate and caffeine, everyone knows that! Right?!

As moms, as women in general, we are the biggest critics of ourselves. Even if you didn't put a resolution on paper, I'd be willing to bet you thought about something you could improve on.

Maybe you resolved to lose those last few pounds of baby eat cleaner...or not let your kid watch 37 episodes of Paw Patrol in one day.

Improving ourselves is a great thing, it really is.

Birthing Tree just wanted to take a few moments today to encourage you sweet mamas that you are enough. You. Just you, the way you are.

Our profession allows us to go deeper in connection with women than most get to. A good portion of the people reading this right now, we have witnessed giving birth. So, trust us when we tell you, you are doing great mama! Don't worry about the little things, these moments are fleeing quickly and soon they'll just be a memory. Maybe, just for today...skip your "to do" list and snuggle that baby, have a cup of coffee and know "I'm enough"

"Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive who is youer than you."

-Dr Seuss

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