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Interview with Doc Laurel


Doctor Laurel Petrovics is a dear friend and former client of Birthing Tree. We trust her with care of our own families and often find ourselves calling her whenever we're in pain or are recovering from a marathon of births. She comes to the rescue with a kind smile, and fixes our hurts with her magical fingers and vast amount of knowledge of the body.

We decided to interview her to let our readers and clients get to know her a little better. We value her services and always recommend her to clients who may be able to benefit from them.


Ashton: "Laurel, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us and answer a few questions for our readers. First, would you tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you decide to become a Physical Therapist? "

Laurel: "I am a mom, wife, exercise fanatic, yoga and essential oil loving mom and Physical Therapist. I decided to become a Physical Therapist after having knee injuries in middle and high school which I needed PT for. I decided I wanted to be a PT in the 8th grade after having to receive therapy for my first ACL tear and surgery from playing sports and stuck to it. I now work with all ages (I'm currently a Pediatric therapist), but also have worked with all age groups. I've done all sorts of injuries (including sports medicine, geriatrics, pain management, neurological conditions, and pre and post pregnancy!). It's a great profession and I intend to expand in some way using herbal and essential oil remedies, nutrition and the brain/gut connection for autistic kids, and Yoga for all ages from a rehabilitative perspective. Me in a nutshell."

Ashton: "Along with you serving us and our families, Birthing Tree had the amazing opportunity to serve you during your pregnancy and birth with your newest addition. Can you tell the readers a little bit about your experience with us? What made you want a doula and why did you decide to choose Birthing Tree?"

Laurel: "My experience with you two is what made this such a successful birth. Prenatal, during birth, and postnatal. Very knowledgeable doulas here. I've had a lot of fears about how things would go with other healthcare providers, OBGYN, and at the hospital. From my own experience in healthcare, I have come to learn that most of what healthcare is in this country is about hurry up and fix it after the damage is done, not needed interventions for profit, and honestly the best interest of the patient does not come first. From having my own background in preventative medicine and rehabilitation I came to know that Holly and Ashton were the best around. Very straightforward with my questions and so helpful in all areas. I can see these two very accepting of women no matter what their birth plan and beliefs may be. I can't say enough how blessed I am to have had these two amazing women here for an extremely important time in my life. It is safe to say the way it went the second time around completely healed me and my family in some ways. Birthing Tree made it happen in a way that I so needed and knew was best for my baby,family,and myself"

Ashton: "You certainly know how to make two doulas feel good. We were so thankful to have been there with you during that sacred time.

I'd love to ask you what physical therapy can bring to the table regarding prenatal care? I know that you did several things during your own pregnancy that helped you endure a drug free childbirth. Do you have any suggestions for pregnant women who want to stay strong and fit during pregnancy?

Laurel: Great Questions! Physical therapy is one of the hidden gems within the health field. A lot of times women are not referred to a physical therapist when some of the problems could be easily treated by one of us rehab folk. In Sweden, EVERY SINGLE WOMAN gets referred post natal for regular pelvic floor strengthening and I'm sure overall assessment to make sure there is not anything that can be addressed by the PT. Prenatal and Postnatal care can consist of but is not limited to Low back pain (whether it is nerve, muscle, or bonymisalignment), strengthening for birth and postpartum recovery, pelvic floor strengthening, Diastisis Rectus (the separation that can occur on your tummy muscles), Posture during and after (which nursing causes a LOT of upper shoulder, neck,and headache issues in many), Cesearan recovery (often overlooked), again headaches, and help with getting back into exercise. Other things that a Woman's Health PT can address are coccydynia (tail bone pain), Dysmennhorea, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, mechanical causes of infertility,pudenal neuralgia (pelvic nerve entrapement), and bowel dysfunction/ and constipation. Currently, I have had the pleasure of offering Yoga Classes for all ages and fitness levels and hold a class that Birthing Tree's clients are encouraged to attend. Yoga from a rehabilitation perspective for pregnancy and beyond is one of the most wonderful tools I've encountered! Please feel free to join us!

Ashton: "Thank you so much for being with us and letting us take a few minutes to pick your brain. We appreciate your service to our community and your compassion to each of our clients you help."


I feel I always learn something new when I have a conversation or session with Dr Laurel. Rather a client of ours or not, we highly recommend her services. In addition, Birthing Tree sponsors her "Yoga at the Boardwalk" on Saturday mornings at 9. Hope to see you soon! Thanks for reading!

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