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Infertility and Rainbow Babies

Suffering with infertility myself , my heart bleeds and my cup runneth over with compassion and understanding for other families who try to have babies but can't. While a large majority of young women fear an accidental pregnancy, almost 7 million women in the US are labeled "infertile"

Infertility is not an inconvenience, not just an unfortunate circumstance... but it's a disease of the reproductive system making it difficult or even impossible for a couple to naturally conceive.

Thankfully with modern medicines offered today, many women who wouldn't have been able to become pregnancy 50 years ago, will go on to have rainbow babies.

Think of a rainbow, a beautiful arch of colors formed in the sky after a storm. A "rainbow baby" is a baby born after a storm of life, such as infertility or the loss of another baby.

When you welcome a rainbow baby into your family the storm has already gone, but the clouds may still linger. There may still be raindrops, tears from mourning your loss or your years of an empty womb.

Birthing Tree has a passion for helping women through the reproductive storms of life and we love getting to experience the birth of so many sweet rainbow babies.

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