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Newsletter April 2016

IBS/Digestive issues

April is a month for so many different ailment awareness’s that when I looked the one that stuck out to me was Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Bowel health is such an important part of our daily life. If our bowels are not functioning properly we are not releasing waste or toxins properly. Abdominal pain and changes in the pattern of bowel movements is without a doubt evidence of irritable bowel syndrome. During pregnancy these symptoms can be heightened because your digestive system becomes so sluggish. There are several alternative options that can assist in digestion and bowel movements during pregnancy as well as the postpartum period. Keeping the good flora in your digestive tract is going to aid not only in a happy digestive system but also allow your immune system to function as it should. This is where a probiotic comes into play. A probiotic will help the good flora over populate the bad flora which will make your system better armed to fight off viruses and bacterial infections that may try to invade while pregnant. A multi strain probiotic is going to be best, however if you choose just a one strain acidophilus it will be beneficial just not as beneficial as a multi-strain. Garden of Life makes an excellent probiotic designed just with IBS in mind. The IBS specific probiotic is Primal Defense and is made differently than other probiotics. Primal Defense is made from dirt and other organisms found in the earth while other strains are symbiotic colonies found through fermentation. While good flora has overpopulated the bad flora it is also much easier to maintain daily bowel movements. A nice digestive enzyme can also aid in the digestion process. There are many options of digestive enzymes from a very simple papaya enzyme to complete pancreatic enzymes. The enzymes break down each portion of your food. In doing so this can also eliminate frequent indigestion or acid reflux because your food is digested properly and used in the body verses a backsplash effect. Enzymes that are taken with each meal work to break down the lactose, the protein and so forth. When enzymes are taken without a meal/food they work to repair the muscles in our body. This can be a two for one because not only can the one bottle of enzymes help to digest your food and assist with bowel movements it can also ease muscle pain, cramps, and tension. Enzymatic Therapies is a company that has crafted an enzyme specific to pregnancy and is so named Pregnancy Digest. It is a special blend of pancreatic enzymes to take the load off of the gallbladder and pancreas to allow proper digestion of the portion of the food you are taking into your body while you are pregnant. Lastly, if bowel movements are still a struggle, taking a daily dose of magnesium will draw additional water from the body into the bowel therefore flushing the intestines by having a bowel movement. The long and short of this is that if you take the preventative route and begin each day with a probiotic, each meal with an enzyme, and bedtime with some magnesium your digestive system will love you, EVEN DURING PREGNANCY!


Eye health

April is women’s eye care and safety month. Whether you’ve had perfect vision your entire life or have struggled before becoming pregnant, pregnancy can affect your vision quality due to hormone fluctuations.

During pregnancy the fluctuations of hormones, as well as physical changes can cause disturbances in your vision. Dry eyes are also a common complaint during pregnancy. In addition, an increase in fluid retention can cause blurry vision. While vision changes during pregnancy may be perfectly normal ,it is always imperative to discuss any concerns with your care provider and/or optometrist. They would be able to provide additional information, testing, or treatment if needed. It is often said “the eyes are the windows of the soul.” There is so much truth compacted in this simple statement. Beyond the idea that you can see unspoken heartache or joy in the eyes of the people you come in contact with. Iridologists are trained professionals, experts in the analysis of the pigment and structure of the iris of one’s eye. The iris reveals physical and psychological health challenges as well as strengths. All 28 thousand nerve endings that are found in our bodies all end in the iris of the eye therefore, revealing a plethora of health information. In return, this knowledge allows the iridologist to see the body as a whole and not only treat the symptoms of the person as they are describing their ailments or conditions. Birthing Tree’s favorite iridologists are local to Milton, Florida. Dr. Jim Hill and Dr. Angel Hill are both experts in the field of iridology with impressive academic backgrounds that have gained each of them a Ph.D. in the natural health field.

Birthing Tree’s very own Holly Heller works with the Hills at Alternative Health Food Store. The entire staff is trained and knowledgeable in all areas of natural health. Friendly and focused on helping customers heal their bodies naturally.

Beginning at 14 weeks’ gestation both Dr. Jim Hill and Angel Hill can normally determine baby’s sex based on the hormones showing most prominent in the eye. This is a free service and available to you as long as they have time in their schedule. You are more than welcome to call and see what those times usually are for them.

My personal experience with Dr. Jim Hill was no exception to the applause others have given him. I left my first health assessment in pure tears of joy. Unlike many doctor visits where you walk in with complaints and leave with prescriptions, I walked in with complaints and left with answers and knowledge. Years and years of seeing specialists and having testing had left me empty handed. It was iridology that gave me answers and knowledge to not only heal myself but allow me to be preventative as well. I left the health food store that day with a list of specific recommendations of supplements based on what Dr. Jim Hill saw in my overall body. Not just a handful of scripts that may or may not help or cause other issues in my already ailing body.

Maybe you’re pregnant, longing for the moment you will gaze into the eyes of your new baby. Maybe you’re buffering through your pregnancy or post-partum period with unexplained medical issues. Remember this…the eyes are the window to the soul and can tell so much about your overall health!


Pancakes with Blueberries

Pancakes aren’t just for breakfast! Serve warm with a sprinkling of sunflower seeds and blueberries to boost your antioxidant intake (vitamins C and E). A spoonful of yogurt adds the finishing touch.

1 cup plus 1 tablespoon self-rising flour

2 tablespoons sugar

A pinch of salt

2/3 cup low-fat milk

1 large free-range egg, lightly beaten

4 heaping tablespoons thick, plain low-fat yogurt, plus extra to serve

Sunflower or grapeseed oil for frying

Fresh blueberries and toasted sunflower seeds to serve

(Makes 10 Pancakes)

Directions: Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl. Stir in the sugar and salt and make a well in the center of the mixture.

Pour the milk into a glass measuring cup and beat in the egg. Gradually pour the egg mixture into the mixing bowl, stirring continuously until you have a smooth batter. Stir in the yogurt, then allow the batter to rest for 30 minutes.

Heat a little oil in a large nonstick skillet. Spoon a small ladleful of batter into the skillet to make a pancake about 2 ½ inches in diameter. Cook 3 pancakes at a time for about 1 ½ minutes each side until golden. Keep them warm while you make the remaining pancakes.

From our family to yours…Much love and Spring Blessings!

Serve 3-4 pancakes per person, accompanied by the blueberries, a spoonful of yogurt, and a sprinkling of toasted sunflower seeds.

Holly Heller 850-288-2957

Ashton Waltz 910-308-0445

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